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Glossary of Performance Terminology

- B - C - D - EF - - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - XYZ

Self-managed Team                      

A small group of people who are empowered to manage themselves and the work they do and who are usually
responsible for the design and performance of an entire process, product, or service.  Also know as
self-directed teams.


A learning technique involving the imitation of some real thing, circumstance or process .     



Proficiency in applying knowledge in the performance of an activity. 
Social Capital                      
The value of the social intercourse (i.e., goodwill, fellowship, sympathy, empathy, etc.) among workers in an
organization to the overall performance of an organization. 
The science that deals with the origin and evolution of human society and social phenomena.


Spaced repetition 

A learning technique involving the repetition of learning content over time to reinforce understanding and retention.     



The management discipline that deals with the effective selection and training of people to carry our

organizational tasks and functions.


An insight describing a scheme for achieving a goal, most often associated with “winning.” 
Strategy (Business)              
Concept  describing the effective application of business resources to outperform the competition. 
Strategic Business Plan       
An organization’s structured plan for how it will use its available resources to achieve organizational goals,
usually associated with the concept of creating a competitive advantage. How an organization plans to achieve it vision. 
Study (verb)                        
The application of thinking, memory and behavior for the learning and application of a certain subject matter
or discipline.
Study (noun)                        
An academic investigation of something.
Strategic Planning               
Process for developing a structured plan for how an organization will use its available resources to achieve its
goals. The process of developing a strategic business plan.
The progressive achievement of a worthwhile goal or objective.
Synchronous Learning        

An instructional format in which a learner and trainer interact in real time, such as in a classroom or on-the-job

work environment, as opposed to asynchronous learning.  


An orderly, rational arrangement of inter-related elements and processes for accomplishing a specific function or
set of functions.
Systems Thinking               
An approach to problem solving which is based on the belief that component parts of a system can best be understood
in the context of their relationships with each other and with the system as a whole, rather than in isolation.


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   "Winning Performance Strategies"